Sunday, August 28, 2005

Blog Spammers are Jerks

What is up with the blog spammers? What a crush to see comments to my post have absolutely nothing to do with my post, but want me to come to their blog where they're selling cat furniture (uh, all the furniture in my house is cat furniture) and dietary supplements. Yeah, right, that has a lot to do with my writing about a new job and my having my dog put down. "Great blog! A lot of fun to read" one said. Spammers are jerks. And then some.

1 comment:

Angela said...

The cool blog that I would have gone to see would have been about the musings of the product of a surrogate pregnancy carried by Melissa Gilbert utilizing an ovum from Mariah Carey and the sperm of Bella Legosi, but only if it was titled "I’m what happens when you combine DNA from a High-C Warbling Diva and a Franken-creature and serve it up in a Half pint."